January’s Letter

I hope the New Year is treating everyone well so far 🙂

With getting through the holidays and trying to get on track for the New Year, things got a bit hectic. However, I am happy to say I am still on track with my “Letter’s Project”. Just in the nick of time, I mailed out January’s Letter today! I am not quite half way through this project (which runs from September 2014 to August 2015 inclusive) but I am enjoying it more than I thought would!

Now, to start on February’s Letter….

About Catina Noble

I am a writer, author, teacher and traveler.
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2 Responses to January’s Letter

  1. Bouncy X says:

    its a very good project and idea, you’ve already brought smiles and tears of happy to many….you rock everyone’s world you touch!!! 🙂

    • Catina Noble says:

      Life gets pretty hectic and I feel as though sometimes we forget to tell the people we love, the people who are there for us, just how special they really are. This is why I created the project. I am enjoying it immensely and hope those who receive a letter, truly realize how grateful I am to have them in my life as they are.

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